Monday, January 15, 2007

Breakdown!! PIT STOP 2

Trail TWO
PIT STOP 2: Storage Equipment - Storage Carousel, Drive-Through & Drive-In Rack

(1) Storage Carousel

=> Carousel consists of a set of vertically or horizontally revolving storage baskets or bins (picture shown above is a Vertical Storage Carousel)
=> Materials and the storage medium move to the operator (part-to-man), for
end-of-aisle picking
=> Each level can rotate independently in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction

(2) Drive-Through Rack

=> Loads supported by rails attached to the upright beams
=> Lift Trucks driven between the upright beams
=> Open at both ends, allowing access from both ends (FIFO)

(3) Drive-In Rack
=> Similar as Drive-Through Rack, except that it is closed at one end, allowing entry from only one end (LIFO)

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